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Peace of mind

Hesså, Norway
19. – 22. of September 2024
22 – 25 of May 2025
18 – 21 of September 2025

Most of us experience that our mind is not at peace.
It’s always occupied with something: planning, worrying, regrets and daydreaming.
It prevents us from being truly aware of the present moment.
It prevents us from being truly happy

In this retreat, we will dive into how we can attain a much more peaceful mind, in this complicated and busy life we live.

The cabins 50 m from the Mandal River

Why Hesså in Norway?

Hesså is the place where I my self retreat to, in the summer.
I have been there every year for some years now, and the quietness, the astonishing nature, the river and mountains have a huge impact on me, and makes me more calm.
The guys who runs the place are calm and very loving people themselves, which is crucial for me.

And it’s so easy to get there from Denmark.
You can leave your car in Hirtshals, Walk onboard the ferry, and when you set your foot on land in Kristiansand, there will be a minibus waiting to take you right to the door in Hesså, together with the other retreat participants.
Approx 1 hour of driving.
More details about this in the “More details” – sections at the bottom of this page.

Adventure Norway, Hesså

The teachings

As the topic for this retreat is Peace of Mind, we will start with exploring what peace of mind really is about.
We will look deep into concepts such as joy, happiness, gratefulness, excitements and cravings.
From there we will develop a deeper understanding of what can bring us peace of mind and what prevents us from it.

The meals

The food will be served as a buffet.
It will be vegetarian.
To enjoy the food properly, we eat in silence.
This is a very important practice, and when you get used to it, you will enjoy it deeply.

About me, Frank

I’m the founder and owner of zenbusiness, and Center for Yoga and Mindfulness.
I have taught mindfulness, zen and meditations for 11 years in the spirit of Thich Nhat Hanh.
I have about 30 stays at a zenbuddhists monastery behind me.
I have been applying this practise to my own life as much as possible.
I’m 58 years old, father of 4, former musician, composer and teacher.
I’m trained and educated at European Institute for Applied Buddhism, which is one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s monasteries.
My teacher there and also my friend is the acknowledged zen monk Thay Phap An.


The intro price for the two first retreats is 6.900 Dk Kr
(approx. 10.900 Nokr or 924 €)

After that, the price is 11.900 Dkkr
(approx. 18.800 Nokr or 1.590 €)
That is inclusive accommodation, food, minibus, and course fee.
The ferry to Kristiansand from Denmark is not included.
Read more about how you get to Kristiansand from Denmark at the bottom of this page, in the “more about…” section.
You can split the price in 3 if you want.
If someone else is going to pay for you, we can of course send an invoice.
When you click on the “Sign me in” button, you get the different options for paying

Nadia fortæller her om sin oplevelse af retreatet

Who is it for?

If you can see yourself in a peaceful enviroment, which help you to be aware of what is going on in the moment, and being curious about your mind, then this retreat is for you.
You can come as an experienced practitioner and you can come as an complete beginner.


Pick up at the dock in Kristiansand by minibus, and directly to Hesså
16.30 Welcome to the Location, Adventure Norway
18.00 Supper
19.30 Evening program

Friday and Saturday

6.00 – 7.00 Morning Chi Gong and Thai Chi by the riverside
7.00 – 7.30: Sitting meditation
7.30 Breakfast ( When you’ve finished your breakfast you can leave the Noble Silence.
9.30 Guided meditation and Dharmatalk (a talk about the practice and the understanding of zen)
11.00 – 11.45 Walking meditation ( A very slow way of walking, in which you become really aware of what is going on around you.
12.00 Lunch
14.30 – Deep relaxation ( a guided lying meditation which will relax your body deeply)
15.30 – 17.30: Activities: e.g. Walking, Sharing, Thai Chi, Free time…
18.00 Supper
1930 – 21.00 Evening program
21.30 – Noble Silence


6.00 – 7.00 Morning Chi Gong and Thai Chi by the riverside
7.00 – 7.30: Sitting meditation
7.30 Breakfast ( When you’ve finished your breakfast you can leave the Noble Silence.
9.30 Guided meditation and Dharmatalk
11.00 – 11.45 Walking meditation
12.00 Lunch

The bus leaves for Kristiansand at 14.30


Sign me in for the spring retreat 22 - 25 maj 2025Sign me in for the autum retreat 18 - 21 september 2025

The morning exercise

In zen-buddhism we are convinced that if you want a peaceful mind, you also need to have a “peaceful” body.
Body and Mind can not be separated.
The morning exercise will be held at the riverside, with a very beautiful view. (If the weather permits)
The exercises will be Qigong and Tai Chi, which in fact is a part of zen.
The movement are mostly slowly and focused, and everyone can do it.

The meditations

You will experience several meditations during the retreat.
In the morning, after the exercises, we will just sit without guidance.
Later there will be a longer meditation which is guided.
All the meditations on this retreat is about connecting to your self, what is going on inside and outside in the very moment.
It’s not about connecting to something religious or spiritual, but it is instead about being more aware of your own mind and feelings.

The activities

Depending on the weather, we will have several walks in silence.
Some not so long, but very slow.
Some longer and in a more normal speed.
Maybe we will do some more Qigong.
Maybe we will share something with each other.
And at some point, I will lead you to a very special, hidden place in the woods, up the mountain 🙂

The ground on which this retreat stands

This program is based on a Zen Buddhist practice and understanding.
The teachings are according to Thich Nhat Hanh and the 5 Mindfulness Trainings which I received 8 years ago.


The location for the retreat is Adventure Norway, which has some very fine facilities.
Some of the cabins are very close to the Mandal river.
There are different options for you to choose.
We will use several locations for our activities, but all in a short walking range.
Read much more about accomodation by clicking here

Feel free to ask

Do you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call or write.
Hvis du er dansk, snakker vi selvfølgelig dansk 🙂
Send mail by clicking here

Or Call 0045 4068 9961

Sign me in for the spring retreat 22 - 25 maj 2025Sign me in for the autum retreat 18 - 21 september 2025

(Translation below)
Retreatet i Norge i smuk natur gav de optimale betingelser for at få ro i krop og sind. Meditation, gåture og spisning i stilhed kombineret med Franks oplæg om zen skabte de optimale betingelser for fordybelse og afklaring i forhold til prioriteter og tempoet i hverdagen.
Retreatet i sig selv gav en dyb ro, som er svær at finde i hverdagen.
Samtidig har retreatet givet en erfaring med den dybe ro og nogle konkrete redskaber omkring prioritering og forskellige former for meditation, som jeg kan bruge i min hverdag efterfølgende.

The retreat in Norway in beautiful nature provided the optimal conditions for peace of mind and body. Meditation, walks and eating in silence combined with Frank's presentation on Zen created the optimal conditions for contemplation and clarification in relation to priorities and the pace of everyday life.
The retreat itself provided a deep calmness, which is hard to find in everyday life.
At the same time, the retreat has given me an experience of deep calmness and some concrete tools regarding prioritization and different forms of meditation, which I can use in my everyday life afterwards.

Rasmus Søgaard MusialParticipant at the Autum Retreat - 24

Netop hjemvendt fra meditations retreat i Norge med Frank og jeg er så taknemmelig for de omgivelser og det rum Frank skabte. 
Der fik jeg mulighed for at sænke farten og sætte mig selv fri

Et lille skriv jeg lavede under retreatet:

Jeg mærker hvert skridt jeg tager og vi går alle i stilhed.
Jeg har valgt at holde fokus på elven.
Tankerne kommer og går, det er som om naturen opsuger al farten og stilner min hjerne.
Intet er permanent og heller ikke mine tanker og følelser. 
Tankerne og følelserne har ellers taget over mit sind og trukket et tungt tæppe over mig i lang tid.
Og simpelt kan det lyde; men det eneste jeg behøvede var Norge, elven og et rum skabt til ro for at sætte mig fri.

Vibeke TræholdtDeltager på Efterårsretreatet - 24

More about the Retreat

The food will be vegetarian style.
As our chef Irena is spanish, you can look forward to well prepared spanish dishes.
At lunch we will read the Contemplations before Eating.
You can see them below:


New Contemplations before eating:

This food is a gift of the earth, the sky, numerous living beings, and much hard and loving work.
May we eat with mindfulness and gratitude so as to be worthy to receive this food.
May we recognize and transform unwholesome mental formations, especially our greed and learn to eat with moderation.
May we keep our compassion alive by eating in such a way that reduces the suffering of living beings, stops contributing to climate change, and heals and preserves our precious planet.
We accept this food so that we may nurture our brotherhood and sisterhood, build our Sangha, and nourish our ideal of serving all living beings.

The price is 6.900 DkK
(approx. 10.900 Nok or 924 €)
You can pay in 3 rates
Klik her to se the rates and possibilities

It’s possible to fly to Kristiansand (fx. directly from Copenhagen)

There will be arranged pick-up at the airport about 10 AM, as there is a connection from CHP via Oslo.
Departure CHP at 7 AM

There will be arranged drop off.
17.05 from Kristiansand via Oslo
Arrival at CHP 19.50


Otherwise planning your flight schedule please observe pick-up the 19. at around 16.30, and drop off the 22. around 15.30.

Otherwise the address is
Adventure Norway
Hessåveien 71,
4536 Bjelland
Please call me, if you need to have further informations 🙂

You can take the 12.15 Colorline Ferry from Hirtshals.
You can leave your car in Hirtshals, as we have a minibus picking you up at the dock in Kristiansand.
To use that option, take the ferry departing at 12.15.
The price is (when I checked the 30. of maj), is 245 dk kr each way.


Otherwise the address is
Adventure Norway
Hessåveien 71,
4536 Bjelland
Go to Colorline’s website here: 

Cancellation policy: 
70% refund until 2 months prior to the event
50% refund until 1 month prior to the event
No refund past 1 month leading to the event
Minimum 5 participants

The last day at the retreat you will receive a certificate

Please bring clothes that can keep you warm and dry as we want to benefit so much as possible from the astoning beautiful nature around us.
So much as the weather allows us.

Please bring comfortable warm clothing – for the meditation and the exercises.

Some like to take notes during the dharmatalks, please remember things for that.

Please refrain from drinking alkohol.
Please refrain from sexual activity.
Please keep your phone in your room – exept for taking pictures.
Please be quiet when there’s supposed to be silence; At meals, during walks, meditations and during Noble Silence from 21.30 – after breakfast